
Media & Marketing Unit

Since long ago, media has always been playing a vital and significant role in highlighting the tasks and actions that are accomplished by a certain entity in order to show up its achievements. This has the greatest impact in raising the morale of employers and motivating them to exert sincere efforts in their work, in addition to achieving integration and coherence among all the Egyptian official bodies, ministries and authorities to reach the desired goal. Thus, upon the recommendation of the President of the NWRC regarding the necessity to establish a specialized unit to be responsible for media and marketing, which will have a positive impact on the efficiency of the work and with achieve communication, integration and cooperation between the NWRC and its affiliate research institutes on a one hand and between other sectors of the MWRI and external entities on the other hand. In this regard, the Media & Marketing Unit has been established, comprising a team of professionals, upon NWRC President’s decree no. (396) on 30/6/2020. Objectives: Introducing the role of NWRC and the importance of its academic and research mission and its role in educating the community and enriching research in the field of water resources and irrigation. Achieving effective communication between NWRC and its affiliate research institutes and units, to enhance cooperation and integration between them to maximize the benefit of the research activities. Raising performance efficiency as well as scientific and research capabilities by encouraging the researchers to publish important scientific researches in well-esteemed high-ranking journals, which has the greatest impact in publishing distinguished research papers. Mandate: The Unit undertakes its defined mandate as follows: Editor: Preparation and editing of all news, activities and events of the NWRC and its affiliate institutes and research units; i.e. conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses and others to maximize their benefit. Photography: Filming all ongoing events at the NWRC and its affiliate research institutes (either photography or video filming) with the aim of documenting and organizing these events and benefiting from them whenever needed and preparing documentaries about NWRC and its affiliate research institutes. Graphic Design: Making graphic designs of all publications issued by NWRC; namely: Scientific Journals, Brochures, Periodicals, Flyers, Posters, etc… Supervising the Newsletters and publications issued by the NWRC and its affiliate research institutes. Editing and posting news and videos on social media sites "Facebook - Twitter - YouTube" and the official website of NWRC. Attending all important events of NWRC and highlighting them in the media.

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