About institutes of NWRC
NWRC Institutes and Units
Physical and mathematical hydraulic modeling of grand barrages on River Nile and major hydraulic water works on irrigation canals.
Design criteria and performance assessment for flash flood control/protection works and storm drainage networks.River Nile annual natural flow forecast.
Assessment of socio-economic impacts of on-farm water management policies and recommendation of legal and institutional reform measures.
Development and application of the up-to-date technologies in geodesy and hydrographic surveys. Optimal design of gravity and reference networks.
Design criteria of well fields and protection guidelines. Systematic monitoring, data analysis, and assessment of groundwater development policies.
Alternatives assessment of River Nile banks and islands protection and development. Determination of safety measures and guidelines for river navigation routes and fleets.
Optimization of operation and maintenance of mechanical, hydro-mechanical, and electrical components in irrigation and drainage systems.
Evaluation of climate change long-term impacts on water resources and related environmental systems. Identification of optimal adaptation measures.
Design criteria for subsurface field drainage networks in problematic areas. Design and operation of the national water quality monitoring network.
Development and improvement of hydraulic structures design and maintenance procedures. Specification of hydraulic structure safety levels.
Estimation of morphological changes along the Egyptian coasts. Design criteria and guidelines of cost-effective and environmental friendly shore protection measures.
Development and investigation of different methods for aquatic weeds control and management. Identification and assessment of open channels maintenance.
HRI is the oldest institute in nwrc and have many facilities for hydraulics and many technical reports
Provision of timely, high quality analytical services for water, soil, plant and fish. Assist in updating the water quality protection guidelines and standards.
Evaluation and adaption of recent comprehensive water resources planning and management approaches/frameworks such as IWRM and Water and Energy Nexus.
The CBU’s mandate is to enhance capacity in line with national plans and SDGs, ensuring NWRC’s pivotal role in addressing water challenges and fostering sustainable development.